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helping moms find their groove

a mom caring for moms

trauma-informed postnatal osteopath


scar tissue massage therapy

Osteopathy & Movement Education for Moms & Children

Trauma-Informed Approach to Holistic Healing

20 years in the health & fitness industry - you're in good hands

help is here.


Oh how "I wish I knew then, what I know now."


Those words have never been more true for me, than becoming a mommy. When you're in the thick of it, it's often too overwhelming to think of all the questions one should ask while living in "survival mode". Some moms don't know at the time that they're drowning, or pushing through while others are well aware and the feelings are overwhelming to even know how to deal with them all.



it's okay to're not okay.


Practical, mind-body approach empowering women to learn what their body needs

to heal, strengthen and thrive in motherhood.


Specializing in soft tissue dysfunction and scar mobilization from cesarean sections (and other surgeries),

gentle hands-on treatment to the scar and surrounding tissues helping

remove tissue restriction freeing up muscles for better mobility.​



healing with purpose.


Options, strategies and collaboration are discussed on an individual basis to allow for truly

customized care that best suits schedules and budgets.


Creating a safe environment to learn, heal and grow that's been built on love, releasing pain and understanding.


"Get your body back" are words that will NEVER come from my mouth.

You have your body, it hasn't gone anywhere and it has

worked really hard to carry your baby and birthed them in whatever way. 

Or maybe your body has been through IVF procedures that helped you get pregnancy or

maybe you chose to adopt or surrogacy. 

However YOU BECAME A MOM, your body is still yours and stronger than ever before.

Begin to heal through support and smiles....and maybe a tear here and there.

pediatric osteopath

Happy Mama, Happy Babe!

"My daughter enjoyed the treatment and would be more relaxed after her sessions.


Sheri is very knowledgeable and I always left our sessions feeling better myself as well."


~ Mama "D"


Through all the STAGES and PHASES of Motherhood

manual osteopath

Osteopathic Manual Therapy

Osteopathy for mothers, babies & children. Supportive, nurturing and effective hands-on treatment that optimizes healing through a trauma-informed lens.

Health & Wellness Coach - mental and emotional wellbeing

Wellness Coach

Helping put all the pieces of your life together!

What happens outside osteopathic treatments is EVERYTHING! Let's compartmentalize tasks into manageable goals. 

One. Step. At. A. Time.

prenatal exercise postnatal exercise

Pre & Postnatal Exercise

Are sit-ups safe? What about planks? Can I lift things over 10 pounds? I pee when I jump, is that normal?


Through a physical movement assessment, we determine your areas of strengths and areas that need improvement. 

OsteoMom pre and postpartum osteopath
Boutique services offered in
clinic and in-home for Moms and their families living in Milton and surrounding areas. 

© 2024 SDM Media - OsteoMom


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